Monday, June 13, 2022

13th Jun. New Mum-Flower-Bed 新しい菊畑だぞ

New Mum-Flower-Bed

13日 新しい菊畑だぞ



I cleaned our back yard for swimming pool.





I took out mums from pots then widened mum-flower bed.





Ichina was playing with Kaito.





After washing clothes, I scattered mum-flower bed then completed it.





I have a lot of skis and snowboards to wax.





I picked Kaito up at his nursery school then visited some shops to find his bicycle. We couldnt find proper one. We played with these playground equipments near the shop.





We practiced flying discs and boomerang.





Kaito found a four-leaf clover.





After that we practiced bicycle.


20220613_183116 Bicycle Practice 1, Pedometer got twisted

20220613_183949☆ Bicycle Practice 2, 20 seconds ride, Dash back to the entrance




After that we played UNO game.





Ichina bended backward.





She is watching Tamami brushing Kaitos teeth every day.





Kaito watched tablet PC then went to bed.


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