Sunday, September 26, 2021

26th Sep. Trampoline, Bicycle, Throwing Ball トランポリン・自転車・ボール投げだぞ

Trampoline, Bicycle, Throwing Ball

26日 トランポリン・自転車・ボール投げだぞ





It was raining heavily so I decided to walk outside with an umbrella.





I walked to the school Kaito is supposed to enter in 2 years. On the way I found a small river crab.





This is the park, we visited before.


New Century YAMANEKO’S DIARY 新世紀 山ネコの日記: 23rd Jul. 3 Miles Walk 5kmのウォーキングだぞ (

New Century YAMANEKO’S DIARY 新世紀 山ネコの日記: 22nd Jul. Birthday Party 誕生日会だぞ (




This is the goal, Kaitos school.





I visited Arei Shrine to offer our thanks about the birth of Ichina.





It was raining all the way.





I drank coffee.





Ichina met Anpanman. Maybe she thinks Anpanman looks like her brother Kaito but Ichina looks like 5-year-ago Kaito so we can say Ichina looks like Anpanman.





Ichina watched Kaito jumping on the Anpanman trampoline.





After that Kaito watched Anpanman then





harvested bitter melons.





I scattered sawdust at the kids park and flower bed because rain works as a fixing solution.





Following that I dried clothes inside.





We practiced throwing and catching ball,






riding bicycle then






washed bicycle.






After that we went shopping.






I put photos in order.


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