Monday, March 23, 2020

23rd Mar. Farewell YAMANEKO さよなら山ネコだぞ

23日 さよなら山ネコだぞ

I wrapped YAMANEKO dolls in the morning.

Kaito saw Tamami off then

played at the kids park.

Kaito watched DWE DVD on the way to nursery school.

We waved hands to two commuter trains as usual.

Kaito is always in a very good mood when he goes to nursery school. What a good boy. I was crying everyday when I was his age.

Todays lunch

In the afternoon, I gave No.504 YAMANEKO to Ryunosuke, who took charge of the leader of young teachers association and always invited me to young teachers ski and snowboard training. He always tested my special equipment for GoPro.

No.505 YAMANEKO to Rika, who is my counter part over the last two years. She belongs to a basketball team as an active player and her number of the team uniform is Zero so I former its tail like Zero.
  Rika先生へNo.505山ネコを渡しました。2年間同じクラスでお世話になりました。今でも現役プレイヤーとしてバスケチームに所属されていて、背番号が0とのことで、尻尾を0にしてみました(笑) あっ持ってる物はバスケットボールのつもりです・・・。もちろんこのタイプは初めて作りました。

No.506 and No.507 to Yuka and Takuya, who are both my collegues then got married last month. Congratulations! I hope youll be happy for every and ever. Of course I made these specialYAMANEKO and YAMANEKO-KO dolls of wedding edition.

Following that I worked very hard.

Souta, who is the next leader of young teachers association, ran a nonreligious wedding ceremony at gymnasium for them.

Kaito watched DWE DVD until we started dinner.

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