Saturday, July 10, 2021

10th Jul. 10 Minutes Whack-A-Mole 10分間もぐら叩きだぞ

10 Minutes Whack-A-Mole

10日 10分間もぐら叩きだぞ





I jogged to Enrei mountain pass in the morning.


Lately I couldnt see Mt. Fuji from the observation deck.






On the way back, I jogged along the Nakasendo Highway.







Kaito played with blocks and marbles.


GOPR0703 10 Jul. 2021 Playing with blocks and marbles




I made 4 YAMANEKO dolls.





Todays lunch at the Chinese restaurant, Shinmo.





Suddenly I received a call from MAZDA car dealer. I forgot that CX-5 was supposed to take a periodical inspection. Luckily we were very close to MAZDA so I dropped Kaito and Tamami at AEON mall then visited the dealer.





Kaito played 3 games.





This Whack-A-Mole game is crazy. It costs only US$1, but the game continues 10 times. It takes us more than 10 minutes to finish the game. We were exhausted.


GOPR0704-1 10 Jul. 2021 AEON Mall, Hard Whack-A-Mole, 10 minutes fight

GOPR0704-2 10 Jul. 2021 AEON Mall, Hard Whack-A-Mole, 10 minutes fight





This ball game seems to be difficult for Kaito.


GOPR0705 10 Jul. 2021 AEON Mall, Ball Game




After that I took CX-5 at the dealer then





enjoyed shopping.





I found some honey combs at a carport so I removed them.

  カーポートにいくつかハチの巣を見つけたので取り除きました。ハチ達よ、どんなに高くに巣を作っても無駄だよ。こちらには長年ハチの巣除去主任として裏公務をこなしてきた経験と実績があるからねぇ~(笑) ちなみに脚立と特殊装置を使うと7、8mまでは対応でき、それ以上の高さは一般住宅ではありませんからね~。




This is a bitter melon at our garden.


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