Sunday, April 5, 2020

5th Apr. Fast Slide 速いそりだぞ

Fast Slide
日 速いそりだぞ

I jogged in the morning to the huge house via lake Midori-ko.

It was very cold.

Kaito helped me preparing a bath.

I waxed skies.

Since I have a lot of skies, it took me more than an hour.

Todays lunch.
  今日の昼食 小木曽製麺 木祖村らしいですねぇ~やぶはらスキー場の村ではないか!

We played at Yoshikawa Park. Kaito is 3 years old so compared with elder kids, his movement on playground equipments is slower,

but when he played on a slide, he is much faster than the others. Maybe thanks to ski training.
20200405_143949 Fast Slide at Yoshikawa Park 1
20200405_143759 Fast Slide at Yoshikawa Park 2

Following that we visited the farniture shop.

Kaito placed Anpanman chocolates side by side.

We watched Anpanman English DVD.

I replenished PC printer inks.

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