Monday, April 29, 2019

29th Apr. Bithday Presents 誕生日プレゼントだぞ

Bithday Presents
29日 誕生日プレゼントだぞ


I jogged in the morning as usual with


flower viewing.

Kaito was watching DWE, Disney World of English DVD.

Kaito cannot get on a swing well but he can practice every day from now.
190429_144717 Kaito is playing with my handmade swing.

Kaito can play on a slide very well because he practice slide every day since I made it.

My handmade swing will be used not only as swing but also as climbing equipment.

Now Kaito has a lot of playgroud equipments in front of our house.

Around noon, I started making a climbing wall from wine barrel wood, a Japanese oak, because Kaito really likes climbing anywhere.
190429_145110 Kaito is climbing my handmade wall.
190429_150519 Kaito is climbing my handmade wall from the bottom.
190429_150735 Kaito doesn't climb the wall 1
190429_151127 Kaito climbed the wall.

As my birthday present I jogged to 3000 feet point above sea level with flower viewing, and then constructed Kaitos swing. Making thing is easier and much cheaper than buying it.
 ちなみにこのブランコ、全くKaitoマンの保育園サイズ!年長さんしか使用できず、悲しかったようなので作りました。交差の上に余りが出る単管パイプを買ったので、公園サイズにも拡張可能!そんなこんなで18000円かかりましたが、アンパンマンの室内ブランコは耐荷量40kgにも関わらず15000円!!これ多分耐荷量余裕で300kgはいけるなぁ~(笑) 公園の遊具そのまま購入したと考えれば格安でしょ?(笑)

Following that we visited toysRus then

Kaitos water bottle and Shinkansen water pistol.

At Cannery Row we had my birthday party.

We ate our fill.

On the way back we watched passing trains.
190429_191133 Passing train, Shinano

190429_193214 Passing train, Super Azusa

190429_193312 Passing train, Super Azusa

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