Sunday, June 16, 2019

16th Jun. Osaka2 大阪だぞ2

16日 大阪だぞ

I jogged before breakfast because I ate too much yesterday.

My favorite thick white noodles shops branch closed down. Oh man!

Around 11 AM, I moved to my parents house then

ate thich white noodles that my parents recomend. It tasts nice.

Since I was short of opportunity to eat my favorite food in Osaka, I moved to my favorite Chinese noodles shop just after I finished eating the thick white noodles. Although Nagano has this restaurant, Tenka Ippin, it takes me 2 hours by car, 60 miles from my house in Nagano, haha.
 長野県にも天一はあるのですが・・・1ヵ所しかなくて、最寄天一まで車で2時間100kmあるのです・・・(笑) 大阪で100km走ったらどの方向に走っても大阪はもちろん近畿地方からも出てしまうような・・・この天一は実家からチャリで2分です。距離感がグチャグチャに・・・

After lunch, I went cycling for 2 hours because I ate too much.

This is BELL Toy Company. Kaito got its toys in Nagano. They produce good toys.

After dinner with my parents, I moved to Osaka city by bicycle and visited my best thick white noodles shop PekoPeko Udon at 9 PM. I never visit Osaka without eating this noodles.
  両親と一緒の夕食の後、9時に一番のうどん屋 ”ぺこぺこうどん”に行きました。大阪に来た時は必ずこのうどんを食べます。義務です!

Following that I visited Osaka city center to call on my older members of the alumnae association of volleyball club at 11 PM.

Lately he opened his own restaurant there.
  最近家業でやっていた焼肉屋から、ミナミで牛串屋をオープンさせました。グリコを見たついでに是非 「きらく」さんへ! 枚岡神社へ行くことがあれば、実家の焼き肉屋「喜楽園」さんで食事をしてみてください。Torojiro先生の名前を出すと、必ず良いことがあるはず!

Everythins taste delicious!

He serves Naganos food (vegetable),

He serves Naganos sake

He serves Naganos chopstick rest(?) I made in Nagano.

Around 2 AM, we moved to the sushi restaurant near his restaurant. I ate meals 8 times a day, oh...

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