Friday, June 14, 2019

14th Jun. Imitation 真似だぞ

14日 真似だ

Kaito continues practicing swings, slide and climbing wall every morning.

Kaito continues waving hands to the commuter trains so the train drivers wave their hands back.

We made leek rice crackers at school.

I finished working early then picked Kaito up. We saw passing trains.
190614_181753 Midoriko, Freight Train

190614_182034 Midoriko, Azusa

Kaito practiced swings
190614_184540 Swing, NyaNya, Shun-chan

190614_184800 Swing, Bigger one

slide and

climbing walls again.
190614_185207 Climbing Wall, Yoo-hoo!

190614_185401 Climbing Wall

Kaito tries to imitate movement that neighbor kids are doing.

Around 10 PM, I left home and walked to Midoriko highway bus stop in the rain then took a bus to Osaka around 11 PM.

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