Monday, August 3, 2020

3rd Aug. New IH Cooker 新しいIH調理器だぞ

New IH Cooker

日 新しいIH調理器だぞ





We saw Tamami off then





played at the kids park.





Kaito didnt watch two commuter trains as well today.





I set up the special device, which shoo moles away, my neighbor Mr. Komatsu told me.





I studied the application Zoom ,which can hold online meetin.





I made a great many cubes for my colleague.





One of three of IH cooker is broken from the beginning so I complained about it to the seller of our house. At first they abided my demand so I diffused the story to SNS. The seller decided to pay all of it.







I will set up the door bell soon.






We practiced drone.






I succeeded to chase Kaito by drone.


20200803183707 Drone Practice 1 Drone is chasing Kaito






Kaito ran away from drone.


20200803184113 Drone Practice 2 Drone is chasing Kaito






Drone can take pictures and movies from the place we cannot stand.






When we were gathering garbage,






the dealer visited our house, removed the broken IH cooker then set up the new one. Thank you very much.






Kaito played with the door bell. It will be the last time because I set it up at the entrance soon.


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