Friday, March 15, 2019

15th Mar. Super Azusa スーパーあずさだぞ

Super Azusa
3月15日 スーパーあずさだぞ

Although Kaito was sleeping when I left home,

I found snowmen Kaito and Tamami made yesterday.

I varnished the shelf because Tamami will use it at a kitchen. If it is good, I will produce it for customers so my work is a trial product.

Although its for a kitchen, Kaito lined up  DVDs on the shelf.

In the evening, I moved to Okaya city then

had a same ages drinking party. We had a very good time.

On the way back, I took the Super Azusa without limited express fare because the local train I would take was delayed for 1 hour. This Super Azusa was also delayed for 1 hour, it came on time that exactly I arrived there. It was their fault so the comany allowed me to take the Super Azusa.

I had a luxurious time for 10 minutes.

I walked and ran back to my home for 30 minutes.

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