Sunday, June 26, 2022

26th Jun. New Bicycle 新しい自転車だぞ

New Bicycle

26日 新しい自転車だぞ



I jogged along the disaster course.





After that I dried clothes outside then





prepared bitter melons farm. I spreaded a tarp then covered hay on it. Weeds wont come up.





AFter breakfast,





We moved to Suwa city then visited two reuse shops.





At the third shop, Recycle Mart, we bought Kaitos bicycle at last.





Following that we visited Ichinas shop, Ichiyama Mart then ate ice creams.





After Ichiyama Mart, Kaito enjoyed coin games and





Japanese drum game at LAKE WALK.





Around 6:30 we played flying discs then





practiced new bicycle.





At Ichiyama Mart, we bought this snack at 75 percent off.





Ichina played with the toy koala.


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