Wednesday, March 23, 2022

23rd Mar. Last Nursery School 最後の保育園だぞ

Last Nursery School

23日 最後の保育園だぞ





Kaito was watching tablet PC while Ichina was sleeping and I was drying clothes.





After breakfast,





Kaito played on the snow slide. The snow condition is damp.


20220323_072136 Snow Slide 1 Damp Snow

20220323_072246 Snow Slide 2 Damp Snow




We watched two commuter trains then





went to nursery school. It was the last day of nursery school this school year. Although Kaito has one more year before graduation, it will be my last time I take Kaito to his nursery school. Tamami is taking childcare leave for Ichina, in short she is at home, so Kaito cannot take long time support. From next school year, Kaito have to go to nursery school after 8:30, its too late for me to take him. In addition, we need to pick him up at 4:30, its too early for me...





We had some meetings online and worked very hard as usual.





Todays Ichina photos sent from Tamami.





Ichina is interested in the photo frame Kaito brought back from his nursery school.


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