Thursday, March 31, 2022

31st Mar. Ichina is teething 歯が生え始めたぞ

Ichina is teething

31日 歯が生え始めた




I dried clothes when my children were lying on their bed.





At school, I cup a board then





braced a shelf with it.





I had lunch in my new classroom.





We are ready for the next school year.





After work, I played together with Ichina and Kaito.





Ichina was watching Tamami brushing Kaitos teeth. She is teething now, though its difficult to take its photo.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

30th Mar. Painting 塗装だぞ


30日 塗装だぞ




I havent dried clothes outside for about 4 months. In Nagano, we cannot dry clothes outside in winter because its very cold.





Kaito ate breakfast then visited grandparents house with Ichina and Tamami.





I moved to the new classroom then painited the students lockers there.





I cleaned my locker of woodwork room. Im supposed to move workclass group.





I played together with Ichina after work.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

29th Mar. Foot Bath 足湯だぞ

Foot Bath

29日 足湯だぞ





I took a spa in the early morning.





After luxurious breakfast,





I took another spa together with Kaito.





Here is our room. We had a very good time and we cannot wait for the next opportunity we came here.





After checked out, we had a foot spa outside of the hotel.





Ichina took it for the first time.





Kaito looks like Anpanman.





When we came back home, the trader visited our house then checked something about a leak.





Following that we played flying disc at a yard.





Our neighbor Mr. Komatsu gave me seedings of cabbage. I will plant them soon.





Kaito played together with Ichina.
