Saturday, November 20, 2021

20th Nov. Two groups of guests 2組のゲストだぞ

Two groups of guests

1120日 2組のゲストだぞ





After watching tablet PC, Kaito took Ichina up in his arms..





I jogged along the disaster course.





On the way back, I watched an airplane and trains.





Following that I cut grass with mower because I need to finish its fuel.





Around 11 AM, we invited my colleague Mai, her son Aoba and her daughter Shion. I gave them my handmade stool.





We took Aoba to our slacklining field. It seemed to be attractive for him.





Thank you for coming and see you perhops in summer, swimming pool season.





After that we played together with Ichina.





I checked which part of the security camera is working. Maybe its solar panel is broken.





Around 3 PM, we invited another guest, Lizu, Jeiku and their son Kairi.





Due to the corona virus we havent met since 2019, Dec. It was their first time to visit our new house.

  コロナのせいで、2019年12月以来会っていませんでした。新しい家に来てくれたのは初めてでした。New Century YAMANEKO’S DIARY 新世紀 山ネコの日記: 8th Dec. Ina City 伊那だぞ (





Although Kaito was crying when Lizu and Jeiku held Kaito up when he was a baby, Ichina didnt cry. She is brave. Thank you for coming to our new hosue and we will visit your new apartment next.


New Century YAMANEKO’S DIARY 新世紀 山ネコの日記: 10th Mar. Exchange 交流だぞ (

New Century YAMANEKO’S DIARY 新世紀 山ネコの日記: 27th Jul. Birthday Cake & Handmade Swimming Pool 誕生日ケーキと手作りプールだぞ (


New Century YAMANEKO’S DIARY 新世紀 山ネコの日記: 4th May. Reunion 再会だぞ (



After that I worked a lot.


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