Saturday, November 24, 2018

24th Nov. Watering with keeping ski boots on スキーブーツで水やりだぞ

Watering with keeping ski boots on
1124日 スキーブーツで水やりだぞ

The mountain rainge near my house was covered with snow.

I jogged near my house for 6.5 miles.

Kaito says the boy in the picture is Kaito, haha he looks just like Kaito.

He is making good use of my handmade bookshelf. Im happy.

We put on our ski boots then


went out. The first thing he did with the boots was...

watering flowers.
[Movie] watering flowers with keeping ski boots on動画:(102 sec)

Kaito climbed up the steps and

played on the handmade slide.
[Movie] played on a slide with keeping ski boots on動画:(87 sec)

Around noon, we moved to Suwa city then had lunch at my favorite restaurant.

This restaurant is famous for fresh egg.

We can see trains from the restaurant. Kaito waved hands and said bye-bye a lot.

We enjoyed shopping then

bought Kaitos water pistols. He can enjoy bath time more.

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