Tuesday, April 5, 2022

5th Apr. Othello, Remote Control オセロ・リモコンだぞ

Othello, Remote Control

日 オセロ・リモコンだぞ





I always hang our washing inside once then move them outside when its fine.





Ichina and Kaito were watching tablet PC.





After I left for school, Kaito played with Ichina,

  Torojiro 先生が学校に行った後、KaitoマンはTina姫と遊んで、




started nursery school as the eldest class.





enjoyed othello game with his grandfather.





I had nothing special at school. I prepared for an entrance ceremony.





Ichina watched Tamami washing Kaitos teeth.





After that she played with her favorite remote control.





The security camera company Ctronics sent me the new part for exchange. They mean I have to change it without any explanation.


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