Sunday, November 22, 2020

22nd Nov. L'ala Matsumoto, Wedding Ceremony ラーラ松本・結婚式だぞ

L'ala Matsumoto, Wedding Ceremony

1122日 ラーラ松本・結婚式だぞ





I jogged 9 miles to the Enrei mountain pass in the morning.





Kaito came downto the first floor together with Ted bears.





We visited Lala Matsumoto.





We are not allowed to take photos of bathing suit especially photos of women so I took Kaitos photos before another visitor entered.





Kaito likes artificial wave pool the best. He is a brave boy.





Since the restrant beside the swimming pool finished this season, we bought some food and snacks then ate them at a rest station.





Around 4 PM, we visited Matsumoto city center then Tamami dropped me there.





I participated in the wedding ceremony of





Takuya and Yuka both of them are my colleagues.





It was a heartwarming wedding ceremony.





 They displayed my wedding gift YAMANEKO & YAMANEKO-KO wedding edition. I really appreciate.




One of our colleague Yukiko got a wedding bouquet from Yuka. Next is your turn Yukiko.






Meals were all luxurious.





We exhanged gifts from students and teachers.






Takuya practiced piano hard then showed it for Yuka.






Thank you for inviting us! We wish you every happiness!!






After the ceremony, I ate my favorite garlic Chinese noodles together with Shusaku and Takaya.





We can see a lot of trains at Matsumoto Station. I will come here again with Kaito.


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