Wednesday, June 30, 2021

30th Jun. Broken Clock 壊れた時計だぞ

Broken Clock

30日 壊れた時計だぞ





I did routine duties as usual.





Kaito played marathon,





hopped on one foot on the trampoline,





said bye-bye to two commuter trains then went to nursery school.





We finished 3 sectional chairs for the sale tomorrow.





I brought one sectional chair back then took photos with Kaito to make an advertisement paper.





I bought this book at reuse shop on the Internet for Kaito to study clock but its minute hand was broken.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

29th Jun. Umbrella 傘だぞ


29日 だぞ





I dried clohtes inside because it was raining.





I did routine duties.





Kaito played marathon with an umbrella.





When we were watching two commuter trains,





It stopped raining.





I was vaccinated against corona virus.





We had a meeting about off-campus activities next weekend.





Kaito always watches tablet PC until the time we take a bath.


Monday, June 28, 2021

28th Jun. Climbing Pole 登り棒だぞ

Climbing Pole

28日 登り棒だぞ





I did routine duties as usual.





Kaito played marathon,





said bye-bye to two commuter trains then went to nursery school.





We had a meeting about our sale this weekend.





We fired animal faces on the surface of pot stands with gas burner.





When Kaito was watching TV,





I set up climing poles. I cannot do it by myself.





Kaito watched tablet PC together with Ted bear.
